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HL7 and FHIR-driven

Healthcare Interoperability

for Renowned Healthcare Provider in US

Our journey

Kick Off
Collect and share patient data across different systems.
Managing patient data and finding a common interface.
Building a custom application that connects multiple EHR systems.
Designed a unique Care Quality system allowing secure data exchange.
Secure and quick data sharing through Gateways.
& Support

Our Journey



Understanding Problems to Lead Change

The patient first contacts the receptionist in a Hospital Workflow, and demographic data such as name, gender, age, etc., are collected.

The doctor’s availability is then checked, and an appointment is allotted. If the provider uses the same system, they can view the patient’s appointment.

Accurate sharing of data between providers and organizations is crucial to avoid confusion and support a proper diagnosis.

Many providers and healthcare networks struggle with data exchange across multiple systems. As a result, the diagnosis is affected, and patient waiting times may increase. Data sharing as EHRs need to be through secure interfaces to avoid cyber thefts and protect data privacy.

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Our client was looking for an advanced healthcare interoperability framework to manage data exchange between providers and multiple organizations and providers to provide access to patients’ medical data. They were seeking to eliminate unnecessary repetition of diagnostic testing and improve treatment efficiency.

They wanted an application that allows fast and efficient exchange of EHRs across different systems without compromising the data security. An application allows multiple healthcare providers to exchange data, view data, and discuss patient cases online. Our client was looking for an online system that enables the extraction of patients’ medical history and lab reports.



Creative Viewpoints For Right Direction

The main objective of developing the application was to create an interoperable system for the client. We performed a detailed analysis and decided to build different Gateways to support the smooth exchange of patient data.

We created two APIs- Care Quality API and Implementer Gateway API to update information and detect errors in the patient data. These APIs would help to match patients with their demographics and information.

We decided to use three Integrated IHE standards are utilized for this application: ITI-55, ITI-38, and ITI-39.

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ITI-55 is used to obtain details of another implementer gateway that contains a specific patient’s information based on the patient demographic information received. ITI-38 collects a list of all the documents in a particular organization/community/implementer. ITI-39 is utilized for gathering a particular file/report information from the repository based on the response received from ITI-38 API.

The key features of the application include:

  • Fast and secure data exchange
  • Matching patients with data
  • Quick retrieval of patient information


Defining the Solid Roadmap

We aimed to create an application that can simplify data exchange across different systems and networks to manage patient data viewing and sharing securely.

Our client emphasized a system that supports quick and accurate sharing of patient data.

Data exchange is susceptible to cyber threats and loss of data if not done in a secure system.

OSP acquired the necessary resources to ensure that EHRs can be exchanged and viewed safely.

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Lapses in sharing data can gravely affect patient diagnosis, waiting times, and evaluation accuracy. We focused on a patient's journey from the appointment phase to treatment and identified ways to simplify data and medical records retrieval.

OSP emphasized the need for an efficient system that allows healthcare providers to view patient data and past medical records. Our goal was to create a secure application that could connect different interfaces and healthcare organizations. The application would offer:

  • Data security
  • Data Retrieval
  • Data Management


Delivering On the Promise

Implementation of the Gateway was one of the most challenging aspects of this project.

Team OSP built the API to work as an Initiating gateway that would allow sending requests for gathering patient data from another gateway.

The Responding Gateway would send a response of a particular patient based on the request from another implementer. This design supported the efficient flow of patient query systems and data matching.

We used three Integrated IHE Standard for this application, namely: ITI-55, ITI-38, and IT-39. Each of these IHE Standards serves a different function.

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ITI-55 can obtain details of another implementer gateway containing a specific patient’s data based on the demographic information received. ITI-38 collects a list of all the documents from a particular organization, community, or implementer. IT-39 is used for gathering a particular file or report from the repository based on the response received from ITI-38 API.

As per the promised custom-tailored solutions and integrated features, OSP created a Care Quality system as per the client’s needs. We developed a Care Quality API that consists of different functions: Create Organization, Query Organization, Update Organization, Delete Organization, and Bulk Directory Acquisition. 

As the name suggests, the create organization function builds a new organization through the FHIR function, create operation. Query Organization is meant for query organizations using FHIR function-read operation.



Building to Deliver Experiences

Update Organization updates using FHIR function update operation. Delete Organization utilizes FHIR function delete operation.

Bulk Directory Acquisition obtains a copy of the entire directory through an API that can quickly and efficiently retrieve the contents with a paging concept.

Our final version of the Care Quality application delivered accurate patient data management, claims processing, document sharing across different systems, and linking patients and providers easily.

OSP performed initial exploration and detailed assessment to craft the perfect solution for our client.

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OSP delivered the blueprint of the proposed Care Quality application within two weeks. Our rigorous hard work and planning enabled us to complete the final deliverable in 12-15 weeks. The client was regularly informed of the ongoing works and the progress to ensure that the requested custom solution would be ready on time.

The final Care Quality application allowed accurate patient data management, patient matching, document sharing, and fastened communication and data exchange between patients and providers.

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"Yes, I would certainly recommend their services because they were diligent and the offered price was very reasonable which is a challenge these days to get a great product at excellent pricing."

- Bert Lurch


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